Step 1: Inspection
We’ll begin with a comprehensive evaluation of your present roofing system. This process includes checking any insulation already in place; if the roof is leaking, the insulation is probably wet and ineffective. We’ll look at how the building is used; is it heated to levels necessary for comfortable occupancy or just enough to avoid freeze up? We’ll consider all changes that may be required in the roof details and connections and make sure these are properly designed for the new system.
Step 2: Design & Efficiency Calculation
Using the data gathered during the inspection, we’ll design a roofing system which will give you the most energy efficiency and longevity for the money. If your roof is not draining properly, we can design a tapered insulation system that will move the water off of your roof as well as improve the insulation value of your building. Safety, insurance requirements and any existing energy codes will be considered. We can also provide you with information detailing heat loss, efficiency and payback for the system we recommend.

Step 3: Roof Warranty
Twin City Roofing can provide roof warranties for most of the roofs we install. These warranties, ranging from 5 to 20 years, come directly from the manufacturers of the roofing systems we install. Part of the warranty process is a thorough inspection of the completed roof by an inspector from the manufacturer. This ensures that your roof has been installed to meet the rigorous requirements of the manufacturer.
Not only does Twin City Roofing stand behind the workmanship of your roof, but you also have the resources of international companies backing the work.
Step 4: Follow-Up
Your roof drawing is kept on file. That’s because we provide the after-job follow-up service you should expect. And that’s also the value of a Twin City Roofing guarantee. We are able to develop a roof maintenance program, which includes an annual inspection and condition report.